Operating principles

The Scientific Committee of the corresponding Regional Symposium is managing the activities of the ASEEE.


Tentative Internal Operating Principles 
Of the Association of South-East European Electrochemists (ASEEE)

The Association of South-East European Electrochemists (ASEEE) was established on the June 10, 2015 by a Common Decision of the Scientific Committee (SC) of the 5th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – South-East Europe (RSE-SEE5), held in Pravets, Bulgaria. 


ASEEE adopts the governing and management structure of the Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – South-East Europe as follows: 

 Scientific committee

The Scientific Committee constitutes the management body of the Association. It includes one representative from each country from the region, proposed by national structures/organizations. 

The Scientific Committee has a 2-year mandate starting one year prior to each corresponding Regional Symposium and ending one year after the event.

The Scientific Committee takes decisions through simple majority voting, which can be performed physically during meetings and electronically via e-mail.

The Scientific Committee is responsible for the:

  • Election of the country organizing the next Symposium, with voting performed at a SC Meeting during the current Symposium. The abovementioned vote automatically includes the election of the Symposium Chair (or two Co-Chairs) proposed by the elected country;
  • Organization of the current Regional Symposium. In those activities, the SC is supported by the Symposium Organization Committee, which includes one representative from each country from the region, proposed by national structures/organizations;
  • Activities concerning the ASEEE/RSE-SEE website as the main tool for operation and dissemination.

Chair (Co-Chairs) and Vice-Chair
The Chair(s) of each Regional Symposium are proposed by the country elected to organize it during the SC voting process. The elected Chair(s) automatically also become Chair(s) of the Scientific Committee. Their mandate starts 12 months after the previous Symposium and continues for 12 months after the end of the next Symposium.

The Chair(s) is(are) responsible for the:

  • Establishment of the new SC;
  • Organization of the Regional Symposium;
  • Publication of the Symposium Proceedings in Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering jESE;
  • Management and administration (including hosting and domain renewal) of the ASEEE/RSE-SEE web site, its maintenance and updates (news, information, and materials upload, frontend and backend updates, upgrades, etc.). 
  • The past (RSE-SEE5) and the present (RSE-SEE6) Chairs of the SC together with the corresponding Scientific Committees are responsible for the initial setup of ASEEE web site.

The duties and activities carried out by the ASEEE Chair(s) are supported by one Vice-Chair. The SC Chair of the previous Regional Symposium automatically becomes Vice-Chair. In case of co-chairing of the previous Symposium, only one of the 2 Chairs can take the Vice-Chair position, with the selection carried out on a national level by the previous organizing country.