Program of 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry - South-East Europe > PLEASE NOTE: Due to several canceled presentations, the schedule has been changed Sunday, June 2 Leture Room of Faculty of Technology, Boulevard cara Lazara 1 13:30 – 13:35 Opening Chair: Aleksandar Jovanović 13:35 - 14:20 Master Class Milica GvozdenovićElectrochemical synthesis and characterization of conducting polymers Analytical Electrochemistry 13:20 - 13:40 SSRSE 01 - CANCELLEDAleksandar M. Đorđević, Kristina Radinović, Aleyna Basak, Jadranka Milikić, Nemanja Gavrilov, Dalibor Stanković, Önder Metin, Biljana ŠljukićScalable synthesis of CoAu/rGO nanocomposite for sensing of As3+ ions in acidic media 14:20 - 14:40 SSRSE 02 Aleksandar Mijajlović, Vesna Stanković, Filip Vlahović, Slađana Đurđić, Kurt Kalcher, Astrid Ortner, Dalibor StankovićPechini method synthesis of Ho2O3 nanoparticles and its applications as a extremely sensitive electrochemical sensor for Diuron detection in tap water, apple and strawberry juice samples 14:40 - 15:00 SSRSE 03Ábel Zsubrits, Gyözö G. LángDual dynamic voltammetry for the investigation of ferrate ion production Electrochemical Energy Storage 15:00 - 15:20 SSRSE 04 Grgur Mihalinec, Zoran MandićModifying composition of the SEI layers of calcium electrodes 15:20 - 15:40 SSRSE 05 Teona Teodora Borović, Gregor Marolt, Maksimiljan Dekleva, Snežana PapovićThe impact of a newly synthesized zwitterionic additive on the electrolyte performance of lithium-ion batteries 15:40 - 16:20 Coffee break Chair: Grgur MihalinecElectrochemistry at Interfaces 16:20 - 16:40 SSRSE 06 Aleksandar Z. Jovanović, Igor A. Pašti, Ana S. Dobrota, Natalia V. SkorodumovaAtomic adsorption on graphene from first principles: influences of defects and dispersion interactions Electrochemistry for Environmental Applications 16:40 - 17:00 SSRSE 07 Eleonora Hubenova, Mina Todorova, Mario Mitov, Rumyana Bakalska, Yolina HubenovaA redox activity of the diazo dye acting as an exogenous mediator of electron transfer Electrochemistry of New Materials 16:20 - 16:40 SSRSE 08 CANCELLEDMedžida Durak, Lejla Vilašević, Selma Korać, Armin Hrnjić, Sanjin J. GutićElectrochemical quartz crystal microbalance studies of inert electrolyte cation roles during the electrochemical reduction of thin graphene oxide films 17:00 - 17:20 SSRSE 09 Kaltrina Stajku, Gabrijela Ljubek, Marijana Kraljić Roković, Leonarda Vugrin, Pierluigi Bilotto, Markus OstermannExploring mechanochemistry for fluoride-free MXene synthesis (Also as a RSE SEE 9 poster - ENM P 04) Organic and Bioelectrochemistry 17:20 - 17:40 SSRSE 10 Tamara Tomašević, Anabela Dragićević, Zorica Mojović, Dijana Mitić, Aleksandar Savić, Đura Nakarada, Miloš MojovićElectrochemical assessment of stem cell viability for application in regenerative medicine 17:40 - 18:00 SSRSE 11 - moved to the poster presentation: ORG P 05 Yolina Hubenova, Eleonora Hubenova, Petar Podlesniy, Yordan Manasiev, Mario MitovThe fumarate reductase is not related to the extracellular electron transfer at polarization Electrocatalysis 17:40 - 18:0 SSRSE 12 Nikola Tričković, Zaharije Bošković, Ljubinka Vasić, Aleksandar Z. JovanovićExploring noble metal modifications: enhanced electrocatalytic activity of cobalt and nickel electrodes in alkaline environments Late Arival - Electrochemistry for Environmental Applications 18:00 - 18:20 SSRSE 13Tijana Mutić, Vesna Stanković, Slađana Đurđić, Kurt Kalcher, Astrid Ortner, Dalibor StankovićHydrothermal synthesis of novel Sm2(MoO4)3 for selective electrochemical detection of pesticide metol in water samples 19:30 - 21:00 Welcome party, Faculty of Technology, Lobby